Hank’s Five-Star Wines, Jaya Grocer: Endorsed by SOMLAY

Prepare to embark on a thrilling epicurean adventure in the dynamic city of Kuala Lumpur, as we introduce you to a revolutionary development in Malaysia's wine scene.

Delve into the fascinating world of Hank's Five-Star Wines, a meticulously curated selection that showcases the finest quality and value, handpicked by experts with a deep-rooted knowledge of the art and science of wines.

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Hank's Five-Star Wines
Hank’s Five-Star Wines: Endorsed by the Sommelier Association of Malaysia for Excellence

Hank’s Five-Star Wines, Jaya Grocer: Endorsed by the Sommelier Association of Malaysia

Hank's Five-Star Wines

For the very first time in Malaysia, wine connoisseurs and novices alike can rejoice in the availability of Hank's Five-Star Wines. Spanning over 40 stores nationwide, this remarkable collection of 60 labels offers a diverse range of experiences and flavour profiles. Strap in and prepare your palates for a whirlwind journey through the realms of Old World Red, New World Red, Old World White, and New World White wines. To cater to different budgets, these categories are further divided based on price, with options ranging from RM100 and below per bottle to RM101-RM300 per bottle.

This remarkable collection came to fruition through an exclusive collaboration between Hank's, the largest wine retailer in Malaysia, and the esteemed Sommelier Association of Malaysia (SOMLAY). United by their unwavering commitment to upholding the highest standards in the world of wine, SOMLAY and Hank's joined forces to create a selection that reflects their shared dedication to excellence.

Hank's Fine Foods
Roderick Wong, Honorary President of SOMLAY; Hans Ong, Manager of Hank’s; Daniel Teng, Deputy Chief Executive Officer of Jaya Grocer, and Ronald Willie Binati, President of SOMLAY, are seen together with the Hank’s Five-Star Wines label during a wine tasting event held to commemorate the "reopening" of Hank’s at the Intermark, Kuala Lumpur on September 20.

Judging Process

Ronald Willie Binati, the president of SOMLAY, shared invaluable insights into the rigorous judging process that determined the inclusion of each wine in Hank's Five-Star Wines. More than 140 labels underwent an impartial blind-tasting procedure. To ensure objectivity, the judges remained unaware of the wines' identities as they categorised them by grape variety and price. Each wine underwent a thorough evaluation using a precise 100-point scoring system, with only those achieving 85 points or above earning the coveted 5-Star rating.

With this meticulous process, consumers can be assured of a trustworthy and unbiased evaluation of wine quality. Hank's Five-Star Wines marks an unparalleled milestone, providing Malaysians with a credible guide for selecting wines endorsed by SOMLAY—a true authority in the field.

Hank's jaya grocer
Hank's Five-Star Wines at Jaya Grocer

Daniel Teng, the Deputy Chief Executive Officer of Jaya Grocer, recognises the challenges faced by consumers when navigating the expansive world of wines. The sheer variety can be overwhelming, often leaving consumers unsure how to pick the perfect bottle.

However, with Hank's Five-Star Wines, this experience becomes more approachable and enjoyable for wine lovers of all levels of expertise. Teng wholeheartedly embraces this unique collaboration as a way to cater to the requests of consumers seeking guidance and recommendations. With Hank's Five-Star Wines, the gates of the wine world swing open for all, enabling more informed and confident choices.

Most Popular Wines in Malaysia

As the Malaysian wine market continues to blossom, traditional favourites such as Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Chardonnay, and Sauvignon Blanc remain popular choices. However, the discerning palates of Malaysian consumers are rapidly expanding, as they venture further into the realm of wine preferences. Discovering lesser-known grape varieties and exploring wines from under-explored regions has become an enticing adventure for wine enthusiasts in the country. Embark on a sensorial exploration and savour the exotic flavours of Albarino from Uruguay and Nero d'Avola from Sicilia, Italy.

The release of Hank's Five-Star Wines couldn't have come at a more opportune moment. With year-end festivities and New Year revelries on the horizon, these exceptional wines offer the perfect accompaniment to celebrations and gatherings. Bid farewell to the year and welcome the dawn of a new beginning with a bottle of Hank's Five-Star Wine that aligns perfectly with your budget, allowing you to toast to fresh possibilities with absolute peace of mind.

Hank's Jaya Grocer, The Intermark

Beyond the greatness of the wines themselves, Hank's invites you to indulge your senses with an awe-inspiring experience at its recently revitalised flagship store located at The Intermark. Immerse yourself in a world dedicated to the appreciation of wine, as you enter a premium wine room bathed in elegance and sophistication.

Spanning a whopping 2,500 square feet, this reimagined Hank's offers a sanctuary for wine enthusiasts, complete with a dedicated wine dispenser. Since its grand opening in August, this iconic destination has become a hub for wine product launches and discovery sessions, showcasing an extensive range of wines, sake, spirits, and other alcoholic beverages sourced from every corner of the globe.

Hank's Jaya Grocer
Hank's Jaya Grocer, The Intermark

Hank's Fine Foods

At Hank's, the mission is crystal clear—to provide exceptional selections and expertise to both wine connoisseurs and casual consumers. With an expanding network and an unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction and product quality, Hank's has emerged as the trusted destination for all wine and alcohol-related needs across Malaysia.

Sommelier Association of Malaysia (SOMLAY)

At the heart of SOMLAY lies a profound commitment to cultivating knowledge and enhancing skills. Their unwavering dedication is best encapsulated by their guiding principles: "Evolving, Enlightening and Engaging." By constantly evolving and staying at the forefront of industry trends, SOMLAY ensures that its members are equipped with the latest expertise to navigate the dynamic worlds of hospitality, tourism, and wine businesses.

In their pursuit of excellence, SOMLAY actively seeks to forge valuable connections with sommelier associations worldwide. With esteemed affiliations to renowned international sommelier associations and groups such as Association de la Sommellerie Internationale and Southeast Asia Sommelier Alliance, SOMLAY bridges the gaps between Malaysia and the global sommelier community, fostering international collaboration and knowledge exchange.

As we raise our glasses to toast the seamless alliance between Hank's and SOMLAY, let us not forget the indispensable role organisations like SOMLAY play in nurturing the knowledge and skills of professionals in the beverage trade, hospitality industries, and beverage education in Malaysia. Through their relentless dedication to providing ever-evolving, enlightening, and engaging experiences, SOMLAY fosters a deeper appreciation for the extraordinary world of wines.

As you embark on your delectable journeys through Malaysia, make it a point to visit Hank's and immerse yourself in the extraordinary delights of their Five-Star Wines. Allow the expertise of professionals and the endorsement of SOMLAY to guide you through an unforgettable sensory voyage like no other. With each sip, dive deeper into the vibrant and diverse world of wines, discovering new flavours, forging unforgettable memories, and expanding your own enological horizons.


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