Hiking in Taman Negara Pahang, Malaysia

Taman Negara is one of the famous national parks in Malaysia. Situated between the states of Terengganu, Pahang, and Kelantan, this park features some of the world's oldest tropical rainforests. One of the attractions in this national park is Gunung Tahan – a tall mountain that is part of Peninsular Malaysia's central-eastern region.

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Taman Negara Trekking Trails
Hiking in Taman Negara Pahang

Hiking in Taman Negara Pahang

Best Trails in Taman Negara

The hike to Bukit Teresek's peak is ideal if you don't have much time on your hands. The trip starts off from the main Wildlife Headquarters, which is located in the park close to the river. The initial trail is very easy and meanders its way through the extremely stunning rainforest. The longest and toughest trail is, of course, conquering Gunung Tahan. For this, you will need a professional guide to accompany you as it will take seven days to hike up and complete the journey down. The adventure at Gunung Tahan promises a beautiful and breathtaking view once you are at the peak!

Other popular trails at Taman Negera are to Kuala Teranggan, Chegar Anjing, Lata Berkoh, Kumbang Hide, and the Kepayang Besar Caves.

Activities in Taman Negara
Activities in Taman Negara

Canopy Walk

This landmark is known as the longest canopy walkway in the entire world. One of Taman Negara's top attractions for both domestic and foreign tourists is this suspension bridge, which is 530 metres long and 40 metres above the ground. After around 30 minutes of hiking or 10 minutes by boat, you can arrive at this spot. From beginning to completion, you can take in the beautiful view of Taman Negara's sprawling forests and fauna from the platform's highest point.

Opening hours are between 10:00am to 4:00pm, but it is closed on rainy days.

National Park Pahang Canopy Walk
Taman Negara Canopy Walk
Taman Negara Canopy Walk
You can reach the Taman Negara Canopy Walk by a short boat ride.

Hiking Duration 

There are numerous simple to difficult trails ranging in length at Taman Negara, taking from two hours to up to seven days. The easiest, most beginner-friendly trail here is in the direction of Bukit Teresek which takes only 30 to 45 minutes. Otherwise, you can challenge yourself to the longest and toughest trail measuring 55 kilometres, which is towards Gunung Tahan.

Taman Negara hiking trails
Hiking at Taman Negara Pahang takes as short as two hours to as long as seven days, depending on the trail you choose.

Taman Negara Hiking Guide

As this National Park offers both short and long trails, here are some hiking tips for you: 
  1. Stay hydrated: This is the most important thing you should keep in mind. A long hike requires a lot of energy. It is important for you to carry extra water to keep you hydrated. 
  2. Plan your outfit well: Wear breathable material and do not overdress. Pair your outfit with the right shoes.
  3. Prepare for the weather: One thing you can’t control when hiking is the weather. Bring along a thin raincoat just in case it rains. This will keep you dry.
  4. Bring snacks. Pack some light snacks or protein bars along. You’ll never know when you’ll need them.
  5. Pack the essentials. This includes a torchlight, insect repellent spray, medicine, sunscreen, whistle, and matches or lighter.

Activities in Taman Negara

On top of hiking, there are many activities that you can take part in during your visit to this national park. For example, you can go on a night jungle walk, which is an exciting way to observe and discover Taman Negara's nocturnal wildlife. You can also visit Kampung Orang Asli or aborigine settlement to immerse yourself in the way of life of the Batek and Semokberi tribes. Rapid shooting is also available here, where you get the opportunity to ride through the rapids of Sungai Tembeling.

How to Get to Taman Negara Malaysia

If you are coming from Kuala Lumpur, the fastest mode of transportation is by bus! It will only take about 5 hours to reach your destination. Firstly, you need to head to the Pekeliling Bus Terminal and take a bus to Jerantut Bus Station in Pahang. Then, hop onto another bus to arrive at the Kuala Tahan village, where the National Park is located. All you need to do next is take a boat at the Kuala Tembeling Jetty to cross the Tembeling river, where adventure awaits!

Taman Negara Pahang
Take the boat at the Kuala Tembeling Jetty to arrive at Taman Negara Pahang

Entrance Fees

It is mandatory for visitors to pay the wildlife conservation fee of RM1.00 per person before entering the Taman Negara National Park. If you are carrying a digital camera, you will be required to pay a RM5 fee. For prices of packages and day tours, kindly visit the official website below. 

Contact Information

Address: 27000 Kuala Tahan, Pahang.
Opening hours: 9.00am – 5.30pm

Taman Negara has more than thirty fascinating attractions for you to discover, making it the perfect place for family getaways! Don't forget to share your travel & dining moments with us on Instagram by tagging @rollinggrace or #RollingGrace. Happy travelling!


  1. My friends and I planned to explore Taman Negara in 2020 but pandemic happened. I think this year we might be revisiting that plan again.

  2. Fuhh menarik betul aktiviti outdoor yang boleh dibuat di taman negara pahang ni ye. Boleh la plan kesana dengan orang tersayang!

  3. I pernah hiking kat Taman Negara, extreme juga for a newbie macam I. Tapi bila sampai atas, puas hati sebab relaxing sangat.

  4. menariknya! teringin juga nak explore taman negara ni, tapi nak kena cari waktu yang sesuai :)

  5. seronok bila dapat datang kawasan mcm ni.. ras atenang dan sangat ... bila lah dapat masuk ke taman negara

  6. Ohh yes after reading I really miss my hiking time at taman negara, hope can do again this year. Cheers Siennylovesdrawing

  7. Cantik juga kan trekking trail kat sini... harga nak masuk pun sgt reasonable... love to go back to nature like this bah! boleh plan trip la...

  8. Teringin hiking di Taman Negara. Nanti nak plan lah ke sini. Anak-anak dah besar ni pun suka mendaki. Boleh bawa bersama.

  9. seronok baca your experience and guidelines here. i will planning hiking trip here with my family and friends


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