Kuala Gandah Elephant Conservation Centre, Pahang

Do you know that elephants are extremely intelligent creatures with complex emotions, sentiments, compassion, and self-awareness? Elephants are an important species in the ecosystems. Their large footprints gather water when it rains to serve as waterholes for smaller animals. When elephants eat, they also break up grass and shrubs so new plants can develop, while dispersing seeds through their faeces as they walk. We couldn’t imagine how the ecosystem would be without these amazing beings!

In Malaysia, you don’t have to travel to another country to get up close with these beautiful gentle creatures. Here in Kuala Gandah, you can explore the National Elephant Conservation Centre. Listed below are several fun activities that you should look forward to when you are there!

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Kuala Gandah Elephant sanctuary Pahang
Visiting the Kuala Gandah Elephant Conservation Centre, Pahang

Kuala Gandah Elephant Conservation Centre, Pahang

Activities at Kuala Gandah Elephant Sanctuary

It is important to note that elephant rides are not available here. Visitors are advised to understand the purpose of this sanctuary, which is to educate and not to entertain. Therefore, rides are prohibited as a way to protect the elephants.

There are a few things that you should keep in mind before planning a trip to Kuala Gandah. Firstly, make sure to wear a cap and bring along a bottle of water with you as the mid-afternoon sun can get hot and unforgiving. Bring along extra clothes and a towel if you plan to participate in the elephant bathing activity. We also suggest that you bring your own snacks and water. There is a small stall selling refreshments but the choices are limited so do pack some in advance!

Kuala Gandah National Elephant Conservation Centre
You can get up close and personal with the elephants at the Kuala Gandah National Elephant Conservation Centre

Hand-feed the Elephants 

Enjoy the experience of feeding the elephants at this large sanctuary. You can feed them directly through the mouth or by letting the elephants playfully curl their trunks around the sugarcane. There is a stall selling these treats by the bundle for only RM3. This is definitely going to be a fun activity to do with your family!

Kuala Gandah Elephant feeding
You can buy sugarcane to feed the elephants at the sanctuary 
Kuala Gandah Elephant feeding
Let the elephants playfully curl their trunks around the fruits as you feed them

Bathing with Elephants

You will get a chance to bathe the elephants under the careful supervision of the caregivers. There is a schedule for bathing activities, which are available from Monday to Thursday only. It is advisable for you to bring extra clothes and a towel if you’re planning to jump into the river to give the baby and adult elephants a long, good scrub!

Kuala Gandah bathing elephants
Elephant bathing at the Kuala Gandah National Elephant Conservation Centre
Follow the sign to find your way to the elephant bathing area by the river.

Visit the Elephant Museum 

At the Kuala Gandah National Elephant Conservation Centre, you can find a small museum which allows you to learn more about this endangered animal and their history in the country. There are also replicas of elephant bones and skulls being displayed in the museum.

Kuala Gandah baby elephant
After visiting the museum, make your way to the baby elephant paddock to say hi to this cutie!

Watch the Video Show 

If it’s too hot outside, you can make yourself comfortable in the air-conditioned room while watching a documentary on elephants. The video sheds light on their dwindling habitats and the involvement of the Trans-location Team in safeguarding the survival of this threatened species. The showing duration is around 25 minutes.

Visitor's Timetable

Please note that all river activities are subject to the water level for safety purposes.





River (Wooden bridge)

Bathing adult elephants in the river


Exercise yard

Observe elephants in grazing area


Activities area

Observe and hand-feed baby elephants


River (Activities area)

Bathing baby elephants in the river


 (Except Friday-Sunday and

 Public Holiday)

River (Wooden bridge)

Bathing adult elephants in the river

2.15pm-2.45pm /

 3.00pm-3.30pm (Friday)

River (Activities area)

Bathing adult elephants in the river

Ticket Prices & Packages

As for the entrance fee, it is only RM10 for adults and RM5 for children. As for the activities inside the sanctuary, no fees will be charged – you may enjoy the fun as much as you want!

kuala gandah elephant sanctuary packages
You will be required to sign this indemnity letter before entering the conservation centre

How to Get to Kuala Gandah

You can arrive at Kuala Gandah, Lanchang in the state of Pahang from Kuala Lumpur by car, which will take approximately 2 hours using the East Coast Expressway or Lebuh Raya Pantai Timur.

Contact Information

Address: National Elephant Conservation Centre, Kuala Gandah, 28500, Lanchang, Pahang.
Opening hours: 10.30am - 4.15pm (Monday to Sunday)
Contact number: +6012-322 3934

There are so many fun activities for everyone at the Kuala Gandah Elephant Sanctuary. Which one is your favourite? Comment below and let us know!

Don't forget to share your travel & dining moments with us on Instagram by tagging @rollinggrace or #RollingGrace. Happy travelling!


  1. I dah pernah pergi sini. Boleh feed gajah dan juga ada pertunjukkan gajah. I pun berkenalan dengan gajah nama 'Siput'. Siput ni hilang dari kumpulannya. Diselamatkan dan dihantar ke sini. Siput ni dijumpai di Sungai Siput, Perak.

  2. I love elephants! They are such a beautiful creature to look at. And they are very intelligent too. Thank you for sharing your review of this place with me. I shall add it to my bucket list.

  3. lama x datang sini..i pergi dua kali dan my kids memang excited bila berada di sini

  4. nampak comel ye gajah ni, tapi bila dekat rasa macam takut plak haha,

  5. Tak pernah datang ke sini. Anak-anak mesti enjoy kalau bawak sini

  6. I would like to visit this one too. And my nephews have been telling me that they want to see elephants - is that a sign?

    1. I am going there by this coming Deepavali holidays (22nd October 2022)

  7. Best pg tgk Gajah kat sini bwk family lg seronok, gajah2 kat sini friendly, pandai menari lg

  8. Ohh yes this recalled my last visit memories with this sanctuary, it's a nice place to visit especially for kids as educational trip. Cheers Siennylovesdrawing

  9. Pernah datang sini lama dulu. Memang best dapat mendekati dunia elephant dari dekat. Later nak ulang datang bawak si kecik pulak

  10. Wow thanks for sharing this, will check out this place when i go there


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