Loaded Chinese Sweet Potato Pancakes Recipe

Chinese pancakes are loved for their soft, delicate skin and chewy interior. While there are many types of pancakes out there, here’s one version that is quick and easy to make and is guaranteed to impress your guests!

Read also: Easy Black Glutinous Rice Dessert Recipe

chinese sweet potato pancakes
Loaded Chinese Sweet Potato Pancakes Recipe

Loaded Chinese Sweet Potato Pancakes Recipe

These delightful sweet potato pancakes are packed with a glorious surprise inside. The golden yellow filling reveals itself once you take a bite into it. Crispy, chewy crust with a smooth and luscious filling, there is just so much to love about these easy homemade sweet potato pancakes!

For this recipe, we are using the premium Beni Nagomi sweet potatoes that are imported from Japan. It is important to use high quality sweet potatoes to let the natural flavour and colour shine!

Beni Nagomi: Imported Sweet Potatoes from Japan

Beni Nagomi (極甘) is a popular Japanese sweet potato variant that is grown in Ibaraki, Japan. Using advanced techniques, these root vegetables are aged in a special temperature warehouse over a span of three months. They are then baked in infrared ovens to optimise the sweetness and flavour, which removes the need for artificial additives, flavourings or colours.

beni nagomi sweet potato malaysia
Beni Nagomi: Imported Sweet Potatoes from Japan

Health Benefits of Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potato is packed with essential nutrients, Vitamin A, vitamin C, and phytonutrients. Claimed to be one of the healthiest vegetables in the world, sweet potato is also delightfully low in calories, rich in protein and free from saturated fats. It offers a source of complex carb that fuels your body with energy, while the low-glycaemic index (GI) makes it a great food option for diabetics. Each sweet potato offers approximately 4.6 grams of dietary fibre that is crucial for keeping your digestive health in check.

While sweet potatoes are traditionally baked and eaten plain in Japan to retain their flavours, there are many ways we can incorporate these root vegetables into modern creations and leverage their delicious sweetness. Here’s one idea to get you inspired!

How to Make Sweet Potato Pancakes

The trickiest part to making these pancakes is the dough, which requires plenty of kneading, adjusting and patience. Once you have gotten over the ‘wet’ stage, you will definitely find pleasure in the rolling and frying! Sit back, relax, prepare a pot of freshly brewed Chinese tea as you indulge in these tasty pancakes where the sweet and warm molten filling explodes in your mouth and takes you by surprise!

how to make chinese pancakes
The perfect dough requires some kneading and patience!
beni nagomi sweet potato malaysia
Beautifully golden and yellow, the Beni Nagomi sweet potatoes are the star of this recipe!
chinese sweet potato recipe
Loaded Chinese Sweet Potato Pancakes Recipe
sweet potato pancakes recipe
These golden pancakes will definitely wow your guests!
chinese sweet potato pancakes
These loaded sweet potato pancakes go well with a pot of tea!
sweet potato pancakes
Let the sweet and warm molten filling explode in your mouth!

Loaded Chinese Sweet Potato Pancakes Recipe

Preparation time: 30 minutes
Cooking time: 10 minutes
Difficulty: Easy


For the skin:
250g glutinous rice flour
200ml water (room temperature)
White sesame seeds

For the filling:
1 large Beni Nagomi sweet potato (approximately 250g)
3 tbsp white sugar
2 tbsp vegetable oil

Cooking Method

  1. Steam sweet potato for 15 minutes or until soft and mushy. Remove the skin and leave to cool for a few minutes.
  2. In a bowl, mash together warm sweet potato, sugar and vegetable oil until well combined. Leave mixture aside to cool completely.
  3. Divide sweet potato mixture into 8 balls and pop them into the refrigerator.
  4. To make the dough, prepare glutinous rice flour into a bowl. Add water a little at a time and mix well using a spatula until a moist, pliable dough is formed.
  5. Divide dough into 8 pieces.
  6. To make the pancakes, roll out individual dough and place a sweet potato ball inside. Seal the edges of the dough by rolling into a ball. Place the ball between two baking sheets and gentle roll it until thin, round and flattened.
  7. Sprinkle the pancakes with white sesame seeds and gently press down to make sure they stick.
  8. Set the burner on medium and fill a pan with vegetable oil. Let it heat for about 5 minutes or until hot (but not smoking).
  9. Deep-fry the pancakes in the oil on both sides for about 3 minutes or until the skin is crispy and golden.
  10. Serve the pancakes warm!

Happy cooking!
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  1. Mmmmm... Terus rasa lapar! Nampak sedapnya. Kita memang selalu ada stok kentang kat rumah ni. Nanti nak cuba laaaa

  2. sedapnya pancake ni terus rasa nak cuba satu. cara nak buat pun nampak mudah. thank you for your recipe :)

  3. Just a look at it, I know it must be very delicious. What else the sweet potato filling. And of course it is my favourite

  4. nampak simple dan sedap. nanti nak try la. tak pernah buat pancake camni. thanks sharing

  5. Wow, I've never heard of or seen this type of pancake before. Looks fun to make though. I love kneading! Might give it a try.

  6. I bukak je tadi blog you, terus i panggil my daughter.. i nak suruh dia cook this recipe, because she like the sweet potato like this.. i pun selalu beli and steam...

  7. sedapnya tengokkk! First time tahu pasal sweet potato pancake ni. Looks nyummy lah kalau minum dengan teh o panas hihi

  8. thank you for sharing the recipe. The ingredients look easy to find and easy to cook as well. would love to try this recipe someday

  9. Ohhh, this is made using glutinous flour ya... interesting and would love to try out this recipe.. Maybe can make this for my family during CNY :P Something new to serve on the table..

  10. Wah nampak sedap sangat ni! Bestnya kalau dapat makan sambil tengok Netflix hihi thanks for sharing the recipe!


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