Mee Udang Selera Dataran Tsunami Menu, Kota Kuala Muda

Do you enjoy a calm evening stroll along the beach? Make the experience even more memorable with a spectacular sunset view at Dataran Tsunami in Kota Kuala Muda. This less-explored destination is where you are able to find one of the best Mee Udang stalls in the state of Kedah. Dip your toes in the powdery sand and bury your face in deliciousness on your next trip up north!

Read also: Must-Try Unique Food in Kedah

Table of Content
  1. Selera Dataran Tsunami
  2. Remembering the 2004 Tsunami Victims
  3. Kota Kuala Muda Attractions
  4. Food Menu & Price
  5. Contact Information

Mee Udang Selera Dataran Tsunami Menu at Kota Kuala Muda, Kedah, Malaysia

Selera Dataran Tsunami

The ambience at Selera Dataran Tsunami is both inviting and peaceful. You can lounge under the casuarina trees in the open space. Round and sturdy dining tables have been set up on the beach, overlooking an ocean of velvet green. There are also white stone benches and hanging hammocks considerately provided for resting. Due to the proximity to the sea, you can enjoy the pleasant breeze brushing softly against your skin. As you dine, the waves break gently on the shore as birds circle freely in the sky.

Selera Dataran Tsunami, Kota Kuala Muda
Delicious Mee Udang at Selera Dataran Tsunami, Kota Kuala Muda
Selera Dataran Tsunami, Kota Kuala Muda
The ambience at Selera Dataran Tsunami is both inviting and peaceful.
sejarah kota kuala kedah
There are many local markets and stalls across Kedah selling fresh fruits and vegetables

Remembering the 2004 Tsunami Victims

Dataran Tsunami is a commemorative tourist attraction that was built to pay tribute to the victims of the tsunami that took place in December 2004. The epicenter of the deadly 9.0 magnitude quake was located in the Indian Ocean, just off the west coast of Sumatra. Several items and memorabilia from the disaster are currently being displayed at the Tsunami Gallery located just opposite this eatery.

Read also: Attractions at Kota Kuala Muda Tsunami Memorial, Kedah

kota kuala muda tsunami
The spectacular sunset at Dataran Tsunami in Kedah

Kota Kuala Muda Attractions

You will also discover a Pasar Bisik or Whispering Market nearby. Here, people come searching for fresh seafood sold by local fishermen by whispering. There are several brokers acting as tukang bisik (whisperers), offering their services upon request if you wish to make a purchase whilst in the market!

There are plenty of small-scale local markets across Kedah, such as the unique and truly authentic Nat Pokok Getah that is situated within a rubber estate. Find anything from fresh farm produce, traditional foods and medicines, to exotic wild fruits. Just prepare to haggle and get the best deal!

Food Menu & Price

The signature dish at Selera Dataran Tsunami is its Mee Udang. Each plate is prepared using a handful of boiled noodles (choice of yellow mee, maggi, kuey teow or bihun) - dunked in a thick potato puree that has been cooked in a rich prawn broth base. The paste is traditionally made by boiling prawn shells, prawn heads and pounded dried prawns until a sweet glorious elixir is concocted. Other ingredients include onion, garlic, turmeric, lemongrass and fresh chili paste.

The result? A gravy bearing addictive, irresistible seafood flavors. It is spicy, sweet, salty and smooth at the same time with a heavenly sauce-like consistency. The dish is served with half a hard-boiled egg, two medium-sized prawns, slices of red chilies, vegetables and fried shallots. To elevate the taste further, simply give the dish a squeeze of lime!

The prices of the Mee Udang at Selera Dataran Tsunami are as follows:
  • Mee Udang Kosong RM4
  • Mee Udang Lenang RM8
  • Mee Udang Beralun RM11
  • Mee Udang Kelocak RM15
  • Mee Udang Tsunami RM18

Selera Dataran Tsunami, Kota Kuala Muda
Delicious Mee Udang at Selera Dataran Tsunami, Kota Kuala Muda
Selera Dataran Tsunami, Kota Kuala Muda
The signature dish at Selera Dataran Tsunami is its Mee Udang

A refreshing complement to the Mee Udang is a fresh young coconut. You also can't go wrong with a glass of iced rose-flavored drink known locally as sirap. To keep things fun and merry, try Ais Batu Campur or ABC - a big bowl of shaved ice topped with colorful jellies, kidney beans, sweet corn, peanuts, and drenched in evaporated milk and red sugar syrup.

Fancy something other than the Mee Udang? Selera Dataran Tsunami also rustles up other equally popular local dishes such as Laksa (RM3.50), Udang Laut Solo (RM10/set), Laksam Kedah (RM4), Set Bawal Goreng (RM10), Gulai and many more!

Contact Information

Address: Kompleks Memorial Tsunami, Lot 1-4, Selera Dataran Tsunami, 08500 Kota Kuala Muda, Kedah
Contact number: +6019-480 9897 / +6019-525 7768
Opening hours: 4.00pm to 11.00pm (closed on Mondays)

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  1. Omg! Nampak padu betul mee udang dia! I dah la suka makan mee udang so bila baca artikel ni terus teringin nak makan

  2. I intend to visit there in the end of November as a bday present for myself haha. I wanna see how Kuala Muda has developed since Tsunami. I was there yo assist with rebuilding and cleaning a week after tsunami happened

  3. wahh!! memang sedap ni. okay dah masuk dalam list. alang2 sekarang pun saya dikedah bolehlah ke sini nnti. :)

  4. Wahh menggoda betul mee udang dia.. nampak sedap and menyelerakan. rasa craving nak makan mee udang pulak sekarang..alahaii jauhnyaaaaaaaa kota kuala muda kedah

  5. Lama betul tak makan mee udang.. Besar udangnya tu. Puas hati makan ni. Makan pulak dengn view best. Nad pernh makan dekat sungai besar ke sabak bernam.. Lupa.

  6. The northern sure is popular with their mee udang and laksa. Every states in north not their signature mee udang and laksa

  7. Haritu tak makan mee udang pin. Tak tau ada mee udang. Rotu makan nasi putih je

  8. I've eaten prawn mee many times in Penang, but never in Kedah yet. Looks like I must!

  9. Adehhhh terliurnyaaaa bila baca. The way you described how tasty the mee udang gravy makes me wanna go there now! Arghh stress jauh sangat


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