Historical Masjid India Muslim Ipoh, Perak

Back in the early 19th century, Ipoh was one of the oldest towns in Malaysia known for its booming tin mining industry. Its blossoming success has attracted many immigrants - including the population group of South Indian Muslims.

Their presence has left a huge impact on the customs, food, and culture of the local communities and it was then that the “Mamak” culture grew in popularity - a term widely used to describe the confluence of Indian and Malay mores in Malaysia.

As offering prayers is one of the compulsory duties that must be carried out by Muslims, it was then essential for the South Indian Muslims to establish a place for gathering and performing their ritual obligations.

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Historical Masjid India Muslim Ipoh: Perak Mosque, Malaysia


According to history, several minor disputes between the local Malay Muslims and the South Indian Muslims have led to the construction of this mosque. The cause of the disputes was likely due to the differences in the way the praying rituals are performed as both follow differing schools of fiqh: Shafiʽi and Hanafi.

This simple yet elegant mosque is known to the locals as the Town Padang Mosque. The name describes its location which is opposite Ipoh Padang – a public playing field next to the St. Michael’s Institution.

Masjid India Muslim Ipoh, Perak
Historical Masjid India Muslim Ipoh: Perak Mosque, Malaysia

History of Masjid India Muslim Ipoh

The stunning Masjid India Muslim Ipoh mosque was erected in 1905 by a team of skilled Indian workmen, brought in as labor by the visionary tycoon Shaik Adam Mohammad Ghaus. Founder of the Kinta Ice Works and Kinta Aerated Water Factory, Ghaus was a true trailblazer, and his legacy lives on in the magnificent Masjid India Muslim.

With a construction cost of RM500,000, the mosque was completed in 1908, boasting a design that was heavily influenced by the Diwan-i-Khas at the Red Fort in Delhi. This stunning structure is a true reflection of "Chitya Indian" or Moghul-style architecture, with its rectangular shape, flat terraced roof, and verandas on its sides. But it's the scallop cusped arches that truly set this mosque apart, adding a touch of elegance and grandeur that is simply breathtaking.

As you explore the vibrant city of Ipoh, be sure to add Masjid India Muslim to your must-visit list. With its rich history, intricate architecture, and cultural significance, this magnificent mosque is a destination that is not to be missed.

indian muslim mosque ipoh
There are two pointed minarets and a single pyramidal dome that caps the prayer hall.
Masjid India Muslim Ipoh, Perak
The scallop cusped arches are just one of the many unique features of the mosque.
Masjid India Ipoh, Perak
A separate square entrance gateway leads into the mosque compound. The overall mosque is painted white with strokes of green lining.
Masjid India Muslim Ipoh, Perak
Stepping into the mosque reveals an interior that is embellished with beautiful Arabesque based geometric and floral Islamic design tiles that can be seen decorating the walls and pillars.
Masjid India Muslim Ipoh, Perak
Floral Islamic design can be seen on the tiles around the mosque
Masjid India Muslim Ipoh, Perak
The floors are covered with bright red carpet lined with white and yellow markers.

Architecture of Masjid India Muslim Ipoh

The frontal area of the prayer hall houses the mihrab or a chamber niche that is directed towards Mecca - which is the center direction for prayer. A wooden pulpit or mimbar is placed on the right where the leader of prayer delivers his sermon. As the mosque caters to the Indian Muslim devotees, the sermon is conducted in Tamil. A tall, grandfather clock on the left side of the mihrab tells the time through the round, wall mounted clock built at the top. 

Masjid India Muslim Ipoh, Perak
Not to be missed is the gigantic chandelier hooked to the sculptured plaster ceiling. 
Masjid India Muslim Ipoh, Perak
Another interesting feature within the mosque is the green, spiral staircase with gold-painted wrought iron railing.

At the left corner, visitors can find a medium-sized table and a cabinet that are used to display plaques and commemorative items received by the mosque. The natural sunlight brightens the mosque during the day through its long, square-trimmed framed window.

The place for ablution is typically built at the back. The same rules apply at Masjid India Muslim Ipoh where the semi-circular walls with mounted water taps are located at the very end just outside of the prayer hall.

indian muslim mosque ipoh
Interiors of Masjid India Muslim Ipoh
sejarah masjid india muslim ipoh
A dedicated area for ablution located at the back of the mosque

Heritage Site in Malaysia

This historic mosque, also known as the Shaik Adam's Mosque, has been recognised as a national heritage site under the National Heritage Act of 2005, and for good reason.

Steeped in cultural significance and architectural beauty, Masjid India Muslim serves as a testament to the enduring strength and resilience of Malaysia's Indian Muslim community. For centuries, this stunning mosque has provided a spiritual sanctuary for those who follow the Hanafi fiqh teachings, offering a peaceful and contemplative space for worshippers to connect with their faith.

As you explore the vibrant city of Ipoh, be sure to add Masjid India Muslim to your must-visit list. With its rich history, intricate architecture, and cultural significance, this magnificent mosque is a destination that is not to be missed. So why not embark on an unforgettable journey to Ipoh and experience the magic of Masjid India Muslim for yourself?

Contact Information

Address: Jalan Seenivasagam, 30450 Ipoh, Perak Darul Ridzuan
Contact No: +605-254 1978 | Facebook


  1. I've been frequently travel to Ipoh but never get a chance to visit this Mosque but one day maybe. Thanks for the sharing.

  2. Good write-up on Masjid India. I learned something from reading this post. Your pictures are awesome too.

  3. Cantik Masjid India ni. Saya tak pernah pun sampai ke situ.

  4. ukiran dan dekorasi Yang unik. kalau perasan design macam masjid jamek.

  5. Love the architecture inside this astute mosque. The floral tilings look very exquisite.

  6. Berseni sungguh architect yang buat masjid ni ☺️ Kalau pegi Ipoh nanti, boleh la singgah

  7. Ipernah stay dekat kinta river hotel tapi tak sempat nak jalan2 ipoh waktu tu. Menarik tengok masjid muslim india ni. Bentuk dia segi macm ni. Bagus sgt you share pasl story ni baru i tau

  8. This is interesting! Jen didn't masuk masjid before, I am so excited! At least I get to see view of a masjid.

  9. Love the white green color and its unique feautures around the mosque. Gonna visit here one day.

  10. Missed ipoh so much. Never been to this mosque. Should come and visit one day

  11. Thank you for this very detailed write up on Masjid India Muslim, Ipoh. Often, when we worshippers go to the mosque to pray, we don't pay that much attention to the aesthetics of the building.

  12. Love the interior of this mosque, very unique and beautifully constructed... Not sure if I been to this area before.. can't recall.. but will love to explore in near future..

  13. Rasa pernah pergi masjid ni dengan husband sebab kita memang orang ipoh hihi. Tapi dah lama sangat perginya tak ingat dah

  14. Lama nya tak pegi Ipoh... Bagus Perkongsian Awak tentang masjid ini. Lengkap sekali. Rindu nak masuk dan berjemaah di masjid.

  15. Rekebentuk macam sama dengan mesjid india kat SG tu ek lebih kurang.. di Johor mesjid india dia lain sikit , sebab bangunan sama kedai.. kalau ke Ipoh boleh singgah solat sini...

  16. Thanks for showing us the beautiful insight, someday I will visit it.

  17. this Masjid India looks nice with the simple classic design!!

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