Top 5 Things to See in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina

My heart beats with an uncontainable passion for the Balkans. To me, it is like a Western variation of Southeast Asia - a place that is alive with culture, color, and an unbridled sense of adventure. It was here, amidst the vibrant energy of the region, that I learned to let go and immerse myself in the sights and sounds that surrounded me, allowing myself to explore freely and without inhibition.

But of all the memories I've collected in this remarkable place, there is one that stands out above the rest - the emerald green river that flows through the heart of Mostar. This city, one of the most ethnically diverse in Bosnia and Herzegovina, is a true gem of culture and history. Though it has seen its share of strife and conflict, Mostar has risen from the ashes like a phoenix, undergoing extensive restoration to become the stunning destination it is today.

As I stood on the banks of that shimmering river, watching the sun dance across the water's surface, I felt a sense of peace and contentment wash over me. In that moment, surrounded by the beauty of Mostar, I knew that my love affair with the Balkans would never truly end. For there is something magical about this place - something that draws you in and holds you tight, refusing to let go. And I, for one, am grateful for every moment I get to spend in its embrace.

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Koski Mehmed Paša Mosque
Top 5 Things to See in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina

I arrived at the Old Town of Mostar misty-eyed and sentimental. How can a place be this beautiful?

Just days ago, I witnessed the bluest of seas and earth's most beautiful stretch of mountains as I travelled across Greece, Albania and Montenegro. Being able to experience all of Balkans' raw, undisguised beauty will forever remain as my life's best adventure.

Mostar is different.

This quaint Ottoman town is laced with cobblestone streets and charming old stone buildings. There is so much more to this town than just the iconic Old Bridge. It welcomes hearty locals and curious visitors alike to its lush forested mountains, cherished medieval holy sites and offbeat statues. One can blithely swim under waterfalls, explore abandoned ruins and be on an endless hunt for creative expressions left behind by poetical artists in the form of street art.

Top 5 Things to See in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Stari Most

Stari Most, also known as the Old Bridge, is a magnificent piece of architecture that has stood the test of time. Originally built in the 16th century during Ottoman rule, this iconic bridge spans the river Neretva, serving as a symbol of Bosnia and Herzegovina's rich cultural heritage. The bridge is a stunning example of Balkan Islamic architecture, measuring an impressive 28 meters in length and soaring to a height of 20 meters.

But Stari Most is more than just a beautiful landmark - it is also a hub of activity and excitement. Each year, in the height of summer, the Stari Most diving competition takes place, drawing crowds of locals and tourists alike. Brave and daring men from the surrounding area gather to leap from the bridge and plunge into the icy cold waters of the Neretva river below, showcasing their skill and bravery for all to see.

As a spectator, there is nothing quite like watching these fearless divers take the leap of faith from the top of the bridge, their bodies twisting and turning in mid-air before they hit the water with a splash. The energy and excitement of the crowd is palpable, as they cheer on the competitors and marvel at their feats of athleticism and courage.

Mostar Old Bridge
Stari Most: Mostar Old Bridge
Stari Most
The Stari Most connects two parts of Mostar
Mostar Old Bridge
Mostar Old Bridge spanning the picturesque Neretva River


Nestled in the heart of Mostar's Old Town lies the vibrant and bustling Čaršija, a market that is a feast for the senses. As you wander down the narrow streets that wind through the market, you'll be surrounded by the sights, sounds, and smells of traditional Bosnian culture.

The air is thick with the scent of spices and grilled meats, while the sounds of vendors calling out their wares mingle with the chatter of locals and tourists alike. Everywhere you look, there are vibrant displays of copper tableware, intricately woven rugs, and delicate souvenirs that are sure to catch your eye.

One of the most striking features of the Čaršija is the traditional pipe flutes that are sold by many of the vendors. These beautiful instruments are crafted by hand, using techniques that have been passed down through generations of Bosnian artisans. As you listen to the haunting melodies that are played on these flutes, you can't help but feel transported back in time, to an era when music was an integral part of everyday life.

mostar old market
Visit the Čaršija at Mostar
mostar old market
Mostar: An Enchanting Balkan City
Čaršija market
The busy market of ÄŒarÅ¡ija
Old Bazar Kujundziluk
Mostar Old Market

Koski Mehmed Paša Mosque

A mere stone's throw from the iconic Stari Most lies one of Mostar's most treasured landmarks - the stunningly beautiful Koski Mehmed Pasha Mosque. This magnificent mosque is the second largest in the city, and is a testament to the rich cultural heritage that is woven into the fabric of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Like many of the city's most beloved landmarks, the Koski Mehmed Pasha Mosque suffered extensive damage during the war, and was left in ruins for many years. But thanks to the tireless efforts of local artisans and craftsmen, the mosque was painstakingly rebuilt, brick by brick, to restore it to its former glory.

Today, the mosque stands as a shining example of the resilience and spirit of the Bosnian people. As you approach the mosque, you'll be struck by the intricate details of its architecture, from the ornate carvings that adorn the walls to the delicate minaret that towers above.

Stepping inside, you'll be enveloped in a sense of peace and tranquillity, as the soft light filters through the stained-glass windows and the sound of prayers fills the air. It's a truly humbling experience, one that will leave you with a renewed appreciation for the beauty and richness of Bosnian culture.

Koski Mehmed Paša Mosque
Koski Mehmed Paša Mosque
Koski Mehmed Paša Mosque
Ottomon influences can be observed in the art and architecture of Mostar

Kravica Waterfalls

Located 40 kilometres south of Mostar, Kravica makes a popular swimming and picnic destination in the summer. Tourists can find restaurants, cafes, a rope swing, an old mill and a sailing ship around the waterfall to fuel their travel adventures.

As you approach the falls, the sound of rushing water grows louder, and the air becomes cooler and more refreshing. The first glimpse of the cascading water is awe-inspiring, as the frothy white torrent tumbles down the rocky cliffs in an impressive display of power and beauty. The mist rises up in a fine spray, enveloping you in a refreshing coolness that is a welcome respite from the heat of the summer sun.

There's a rope swing that allows you to soar out over the water, feeling the wind in your hair and the rush of adrenaline in your veins. The surrounding area is also home to a variety of attractions, including an old mill and a sailing ship, all waiting to be discovered.

When it's time to refuel, there are plenty of options available. You can relax in a cozy café, sipping on a refreshing drink while taking in the stunning views, or enjoy a delicious meal in one of the bustling restaurants that dot the area.

Kravica Waterfalls
Kravice Waterfalls at Mostar

Don't Forget Stones

The Siege of Mostar took place twice - in 1992 and 1993. It resulted in approximately 2,000 casualties, 90,000 refugees and the destruction of historic bridges, religious buildings and cultural institutions. Today, tourists can find stones placed across the town to remind them of the history and the lives lost to the wars.

Don't Forget Stones
Don't Forget Stones in Mostar

Mostar is a destination that truly captures the heart and soul of Bosnia and Herzegovina. With its distinctive Ottoman-style buildings, winding cobbled streets, and incredible views of the Neretva River, this city is a feast for the senses. But it's not just the stunning scenery that makes Mostar such a special place - it's also the warm and welcoming locals, who are always ready with a smile and a friendly greeting.

As you wander through the city's ancient streets, you'll be struck by the beauty of the architecture, with its intricate carvings, colourful mosaics, and soaring minarets. The Ottoman influence is everywhere, from the towering stone bridge that spans the river, to the charming cafes and shops that line the winding alleyways.

But Mostar is more than just a pretty face - it's also a food lover's paradise, with a rich and diverse culinary scene that is sure to delight your taste buds. From hearty stews and succulent grilled meats, to delicate pastries and sweet treats, the Bosnian fare is a feast for all the senses.

And with so much to see and do in Mostar, it's no wonder that it deserves a place on everyone's travel wish list. Whether you're exploring the city's ancient landmarks, soaking up the local culture, or simply enjoying a leisurely stroll along the riverbank, there's something for everyone in this beautiful destination. So why not start planning your trip to Mostar today, and experience the magic of this enchanting city for yourself?

Happy traveling! Don't forget to share your travel & dining moments with us on Instagram by tagging @rollinggrace or #RollingGrace. Happy travelling!


  1. The amazing part is when the river soooo clean and beautiful even located in between of crowded places. This place is truly magical ❤️

  2. Bila tengok suasana negara ornag ni memg lain dari lain. Tengok craft dia lawa2. View pun cntik.. Sungai bersih betul

  3. Interesting that you compared the Balkans to Southeast Asia. Based on the only Balkan state I've been to (Bulgaria), I think I have to agree.

  4. Senibina arkitektur Islam memang cantik. Btw emerald river tu betui2 hijau ye sedangkan tak adalah pokok2 hutan hijau tepi sungai. Yg penting tmpat2 nya lawo.

  5. Even my eyes tear up as I read your post - so imagine being there yourself.

    Looking at that emerald green river from a bird’s view is everything!

  6. Love love design bangunan kat sini. Begitu juga pemandangan sangat cantik dan menarik

  7. Masa baca tu Nur bayangkan diri Nur ada dekat sana. Bestnya! Emerald green river. Beautiful waterfall. Old stone building. Moga ada rezeki ke sana

  8. Cantiknya pemandangan kat sana.. siapa sangka tempat yang pernah diserang bangkit seindah ini

  9. wah so many breathtaking views here. i wish once in lifetime I can go here.. thanks sharing the list of amazing places

  10. really enjoyed my view & read of this sharing, thanks for all the beautiful photos, cannot travel & reading travel stories to ease the miss travel feeling. cheers, siennylovesdrawing

  11. Thank you for sharing! While eating and reading your blog is nice! I imagined myself there too!


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