Try This Easy Yellow Curry Pasta Recipe

This Yellow Curry Pasta is a dish that marries the rich, complex flavours of India with the classic, comforting essence of Italian fare. A dish that promises not only to satiate your hunger but to transport you to a place where two culinary worlds harmoniously intertwine. The beauty of this dish lies in its simplicity and speed of preparation, making it your perfect companion.

The heart of this fusion lies in its savoury curry sauce, a concoction that can be whipped up in less than 15 minutes, yet is packed with flavour. The key to its vibrant, mouth-watering taste is a squeeze of lime, added right at the end for that unexpected burst of lively flavour.

It's this zest that elevates the dish, bringing a refreshing lightness to the rich curry and perfectly al dente pasta. As you take a bite, allow yourself to be enveloped in the warmth of the curry, punctuated by the zest that cuts through, offering a culinary experience that’s as exciting as it is comforting.

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Easy Yellow Curry Pasta Recipe
Golden goodness in every bite! Try this Easy Yellow Curry Pasta Recipe for a unique twist on your favourite pasta night.

Try This Easy Yellow Curry Pasta Recipe

In the realm of culinary exploration, it's not every day that a dish transports you across the globe while sitting at your dining table. Today, let's explore a delightful twist on a classic from Southeast Asia - the Yellow Curry Pasta. This simple yet exotic recipe merges the aromatic depths of curry with the comforting familiarity of pasta, making for a gastronomic journey that’s both accessible and tantalisingly different.

Preparation Overview

Preparation Time: 5 minutes
Cooking Time: 15 minutes
Difficulty: Easy


  • 150g precooked pasta
  • 1 medium chicken drumstick
  • 1 medium yellow onion, sliced
  • 5 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 red chili, halved
  • 1 kasturi lime (optional, but recommended)
  • 2 tablespoons cooking oil
  • 2 tablespoons curry powder
  • 1 teaspoon turmeric powder
  • 1 teaspoon cumin powder
  • 1 teaspoon coriander powder
  • ½ cup cooking cream
  • ½ cup water
  • Salt and pepper, to your taste
  • Coriander leaves, to garnish
As you gather these ingredients, consider each as an element contributing to a richer adventure, adding layers and depth, inviting you to a world where tastes are bold and hospitality warm.

Cooking Method

Initiate Fragrances

Begin your culinary journey by heating two tablespoons of oil in a skillet over medium heat. As the oil shimmers, add minced garlic, the halved red chili, and sliced yellow onion. Sauté until they become fragrant and soft—a hint of what's to come.

Introduce Spices

Stir in two tablespoons of curry powder along with the turmeric, cumin, and coriander powders. These spices are not just ingredients; they are the essence of centuries-old trading routes and regional cooking techniques. Pour in the cooking cream and mix well, watching as the colours meld into a rich, golden hue.

Cooking the Chicken

Add the chicken drumstick to the pan, letting it sear slightly before bathing it with half a cup of water. Stir thoroughly to coat the chicken in the spiced cream mixture. Season with salt and pepper according to your taste preferences. Cover the skillet, lower the heat, and allow the chicken to cook through and absorb the flavours, about 10 minutes.

Combine with Pasta

After the senses are already delighted by the thick, aromatic sauce and tender chicken, introduce 150g of precooked pasta into the skillet. Toss everything together ensuring the pasta is evenly coated with the yellow curry sauce. This step is pivotal—where two worlds, Western and Asian, meld in your kitchen.

Final Garnishing

Once the heat is off and the pasta is beautifully enrobed in curry, garnish with fresh coriander leaves. The addition of kasturi lime juice is optional but highly recommended. The lime’s zest cuts through the richness and adds a fragrant, tangy finish that elevates the dish.

Serving Suggestions

Plate this enchanting meal while it's warmly beckoning. The vibrant yellow hue, interspersed with greens from the coriander and the red hints from chili, not only teases the palate but also the eyes. Serve it hot, perhaps with a side of crisp-baked papadums or a simple green salad.

Yellow Curry Pasta
A squeeze of lime adds magic to this dish!

This dish is a testament to how global culinary traditions can intertwine graciously. The spices used in this recipe hark back to ancient spice trades that connected the East to the West, a testament to shared history at our tables.

Preparing the Easy Yellow Curry Pasta isn't just about feeding a craving - it's about honouring a heritage that spans continents and centuries, right in your kitchen. Tie on your apron and let the aromas of Southeast Asia transform your cooking experience into an adventure for the taste buds. Bon appétit, or as they say in Thailand, ‘Gin Khao’! Enjoy the journey, for every bite tells a story.

Easy Yellow Curry Pasta Recipe
Level up your dinner routine with this Yellow Curry Pasta. It's as delicious as it is simple to make!


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